Tuesday, July 19, 2011

LGBT Education in California Public Schools

       Recently, the California Legislature has adopted legislation that gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender education be added to the curriculum in its public school system. Click here to read a discussion between NPR's Robert Seigel and California State Senator Mark Leno (the author of the bill).

       Years ago, when the homosexual agenda was starting to be pushed through our culture, I remember warning (along with many other Christian brothers and sisters) about this happening... That if the Christian community didn't start addressing the issue biblically, individuals practicing a homosexual lifestyle would be equated to a race - and as a race, they would be treated the same as Hispanics, African Americans, Asians, Native Americans, Caucasians, etc.  If homosexuality is genetic, then being homosexual would be equivalent (for legal purposes) to being of a specific cultural background. Now, see yesterday's quote below from Senator Mark Leno:

"Our current education code requires that the role and contributions of African, Asian, Mexican, Native, European Americans, women and other traditionally overlooked communities be included in our school curriculum. All this bill does is adds that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender Americans, along with those from the disability community, also have their roles and contributions included in our curriculum."

       Do you see what has happened? Being LBG or T is now equated with being an ethnicity or another form of genetically assigned characteristic (such as disabled, "male," or "female"). However, scientific study and homosexual activists have yet to prove that gender preference is strictly genetic or biological in nature. For my thoughts on homosexuality from a biblical perspective and on the social, spiritual, and biological angles on the topic, please read these blogs from an earlier date:

       I obviously have some biblical problems with this new curriculum. But over the past two weeks, I have heard numerous commentators and interviewees speak for the legislation on the basis that many "Christian" communities have adapted their historic stands on homosexuality to fit the culture in which we live. "Christian" denominations such as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Metropolitan Community Church, various breakaways from the Pentecostal denomination, the United Church of Christ, and the Episcopal church in America take pro-homosexual stands in the name of Jesus.  By their conformation to the standards of our culture, they are misrepresenting the text of the Bible and the Savior of mankind. When the pages of the Bible are edited, reinterpreted, or ignored in an effort to make its message more palatable or acceptable among any culture, the authority of the Word of God is compromised and the repercussions are dire.
       Shame on us Christians for allowing the message of the gospel to be so grotesquely miscommunicated that pseudo-intellectuals in the biblical realm can twist the message about God's redemptive plan into a politically correct, inclusive, excusatory treatise on all things "ex-sinful." How are we to blame? By not standing for Truth in the midst of error. Things like this don't happen overnight. At first, we didn't see homosexuality as a serious threat to the message about Christ. Then, we were confronted by the reality that our friends and family members were the ones practicing homosexuality and we were tolerant of its sin without communicating the salvific truth revealed in scripture. And now, we are sleeping in the bed of inclusion that we began to make so tolerantly years ago.

      I also have some cultural uneasiness with this legislation. Firstly, the new curriculum is to span the entire public school system from grades K-12. I don't see the need to teach Kindergarten children about sexuality on any level. It has never been a priority that these children (or ANY children spanning the gamut of age or grade level) learn the heterosexual practices of historical figures, and I don't see how it is beneficial, other than to promote a pro-homosexual agenda, to teach these children the sexual practices of historical figures now. And I don't think I'm alone on this...
       Because secondly, I believe the exponential increase in the number of children being homeschooled or private-schooled should reveal the discontent over practices, policies, and curricular content of the public school system within the average American home. I have dear friends who are public educators. I myself obtained a degree in public education and was certified to teach in Texas schools at all levels. It is a profession I hold in high regard. But if the liberal agenda is continued to be shoved through our public school systems, the American public WILL (I would hope anyway) respond with conviction by providing a different avenue of education for their children.
       Thirdly, if sexuality has a place in public education, it is definitely NOT in the History department. I disagree with sex education in the schools. I believe it is the job of the parents in the home to educate their children on these matters. But if sex education has a place in the school system, it would more appropriately belong in the Health or Biology departments. Why is the legislation putting this curriculum in the History department? - Because biologically and anatomically, homosexuality does not make sense. The proof to which they are appealing is that certain popular historical figures practiced homosexual behavior on some level. Through this legislation... on the basis of historical and societal appeal, demoralization of a culture will occur.

       Where does this leave us now? Christian, it's time you stand for your biblical convictions in the face of opposition and even societal estrangement. I have many friends who are homosexual, some of them, whom I'm sure, are reading this blog. And I have tried very hard to convey to them my heartfelt convictions about their lifestyle. They know where I stand on the issue, and we are able to have dialogue about it. I, nor any other true Christian leader, would ever endorse violent or uncivil actions against homosexuals or any other person living in sin against God. We are to love... and to speak the truth out of that love.

Christian, allow me to let you in on some insight for our future...

1. The homosexual issue is not going away. 
       Quietly hiding behind a veil of "love and tolerance" and turning a blind eye or a deaf ear toward the homosexual agenda is not working. My children and your children will be faced with the imminence of the homosexual lifestyle and debate. If we are going to reach our lost world and offer them real hope that can only be found in Christ Jesus, we need to accept that the LGBT issue is present and real. Maybe that should shape the way we address sexuality with our children. Maybe that should bring new levels of conviction concerning the TV shows we watch or the places we frequent. Whatever the implications, know that the emergence of these kinds of legislations - as coupled with a generally universalistic approach to spirituality in America - is quickly bringing the homosexual issue to its apex.

2. Because the issue is increasingly intrusive, we should know what we believe and why we believe it.
       God has called us to be salt and light. If the salt loses its flavor, what good is it? If you hide your light behind anything at all, it cannot be seen. What do you believe the Bible teaches about homosexuality? What did Jesus teach? And how do you reconcile that truth with the claims of our culture? You WILL BE confronted with the issue multiple times in the future (if you haven't already been). What will you say when one of your best friends reveals that he has homosexual tendencies? How will you react when your daughter defends homosexuality in a History project? We must live in reality. We should always be aware of our own cultural tendencies and what the Bible teaches about them. And we should be ready, in season and out of season, whether convenient or not, to give a reason for the hope that we have in Christ. Are you ready?

3. In the very near future, Christians in America will be persecuted for their stand against homosexuality.
       Because homosexuality is being equated with genetic traits, any word against it will be considered hate speech. Telling someone that homosexuality is wrong and sinful will VERY SOON be met with the same resistance as telling someone it's wrong and sinful to be brown. Many of us will be fined or tried, convicted, and incarcerated for hate speech or for denying equal rights to homosexual couples. At the very least, many of us will be ostracized from our own culture. We will be the quack jobs of the post-postmodern world. And at that time we will have to choose either to stand on biblical truth or to conform to the culture around us.


       In closing, I would like to re-post the last paragraph of my earlier blog, Homosexuality, the Biblical Perspective (Part 2). It was a short letter to my homosexual friends:

       The Bible is the standard of truth for Christians... therefore, it is inconsistent and hypocritical for a Christian to support or agree with homosexuality. 
       However, I would like for you to know that God loves you with an everlasting love. He created you specially and wonderfully for His glory. You are significant to Him. So significant in fact, that He gave His own life to satisfy the penalty for sin - yours and mine alike. I was a liar. I was a thief. I was an adulterer at heart. But now I'm a new creation. I still struggle with those desires sometimes, but I have a God who is faithful to walk along side me as a Counselor, and who is also able and willing to forgive me of my sin and cleanse me from all unrighteousness if I'll only confess it, and agree with Him that it is indeed sin (1 John 1:9). 
       I don't hate you. And no true Christian would. In fact, I'm not "wierded out" by you or angry with you either. I love you. Really, I do. And if the Bible is reliable and accurate, then the perfect plan that God has for your life will never be actualized until you rid yourself of what He declares to be sin, and place your life in Him. He offers you eternal life, and an abundant, purposeful life here. Becoming a Christian doesn't magically take away our sinful desires, but God does promise the gift of the Holy Spirit who will dwell within you and provide you with truth, comfort, and conviction to help you along your journey. 

Grace and Peace,

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


       We talk about determination fairly often as Christians. We should be determined to do God's will. To conduct ourselves in a manner that is worthy of our calling. To cast off sin and put on the Lord Jesus Christ. Christian determination is an attitude of the heart that is fueled by a passionate love for the Lord Jesus. Sometimes, though, as determined as we are to live properly and to walk in fellowship with God, we find ourselves stuck in the middle of that which we are determined to avoid. Our minds are convinced, but our hands and feet are not. 

       I've been reading in the book of Daniel in my morning Bible study time recently, and I am in awe of Daniel's determination. But as I continue to read, I am struck by something timely for my own Christian walk. Not only was Daniel determined to obey God. He had PRE-determined to obey God. 

       Daniel is an historical figure to be admired, no doubt. A Judean exiled among the Babylonians, then the Medes and Persians - the very people who captured and overruled Jewish establishment, religion, and institution in the land given to them by God Almighty. Yet, even in the face of dangerous religious difference and godless political activists, Daniel arose to be in several different positions of authority in the governing realm... even among the heathens who had disestablished his people and dispersed them among the nations. There was something about Daniel that set him apart from the rest. Something kings and kingdoms, peoples and rulers admired. Something that God blessed over and over again. 

       There is nothing wrong with drive. Self-control. Stick-to-it-iveness. Determination. That quality should be yours and increasing, as Peter posits (1 Peter 1:5-8). For in this way, you will guard yourself from being useless and fruitless in the kingdom of God.

       Daniel had that. Determination. But his determination was evidently more than a situation-by-situation appraisal of the goods vs evils that may result from a particular course of action. He was pre-determined. His mind was made up without a weighing of pros and cons...

"Daniel determined that he would not defile himself with the king's food or with the wine he drank." 
- Daniel 1:8. 

       The King James translates the Hebrew suwm ("determined") into "purposed in his heart." The Hebrew verb is in the imperfect Qal tense, meaning it is possible and likely that this was something Daniel had already done. More literally, "Daniel had determined in his heart..." His mind was already made up. 
       Daniel lived in reality. He knew that being transplanted into the Babylonian court, raised and educated in their customs, and pampered as a showpiece of their society, he would be tempted with defilement by eating food of which God had instructed him not to partake. The Babylonians did not follow Judean customs concerning dietary restrictions. Daniel knew that. So he pre-determined that he would not defile himself with the king's food. And what happened? - God granted Daniel favor and compassion from the authority over him (v. 9).

       Later, in Chapter 6, Darius of the Medes was made king after taking the land from the Chaldeans/Babylonians. Daniel, having already been well-established and renown for his wisdom in dream interpretation among the rulers of the preceding empire, was instituted as second in command over the region. His predetermination to follow God's law rather than seek the approval of men had continued to be occupationally beneficial for him.

       Some other jealous leaders tricked King Darius into issuing a decree for everyone in his empire to pray to or petition only him (the king) for 30 days. Of course, that didn't fly well with the Judeans in exile under the governing authority of the king. But Daniel, undeterred, continued in his predetermined, daily exercise of praying to God and not the king. How do I know he was predetermined?...
       Verses 10-11 of Chapter 6 show us that Daniel had a daily practice. Three times a day, at the same time every day, he prayed to God. The men who tricked King Darius knew exactly where and when to find Daniel on his knees in prayer. Daniel received the news concerning the contemptuous decree. He knew what was at stake. But it really didn't matter. Because he had already predetermined that He was going to be a man who lived a lifestyle of prayer before God. When adversity came, he didn't have to evaluate anything at all - his mind was already made up.
You know the rest of the story - the lion's den and all. 

From reflection on this truth in my studies recently, I have learned a few things:

1. God desires leaders and followers who will be informed of His timeless standards, and will predetermine to live them out regardless of consequences. 
       Governmental, Ecclesiastical, Familial, Societal... you name it. Wherever you find yourself as a leader or follower, God desires for you to know His Word. To know His truth. To know His standards. And to live them out. Without regard for their consequences. His way is always best.

2. God will bless your non-acquiescent actions when they are grounded in a predetermination to live a lifestyle worthy of your calling as a believer in Him. 
       Established authority, culture, peers, family, and friends all have their own expectations of you. Don't get caught up in what is politically correct, socially correct, or historically correct. But rather, predetermine to be biblically and spiritually correct. When you conform your walk to the character of Christ, and when you predetermine to live by His standards, blessing will come. Material blessings? Not always. Political blessings? Not guaranteed. But spiritual blessings - 100% of the time. See Romans 8:28.

3. To live with purpose and lasting impact, walk in close relationship with the Lord.
       Daniel set daily times to seek the face of God. He studied the scriptures to know what God required of Him. He walked in close, obedient fellowship with His Lord. He saved his displaced nation from the sword numerous times. He influenced two different kings of two different nations in such a way that they turned to the One True God instead of their idols. And we are still regurgitating his story today. Think about it.

Grace and peace,