Thursday, October 28, 2010

Homosexuality: The Biblical Perspective (Part 2)

       My last post (click to see) explored the biblical instances where homosexuality is considered a sin. It would also be helpful to note that there is never a biblical instance where it is NOT a sin. Also, we looked at some secular thoughts on homosexuality, and came to these conclusions:

1. The Bible declares homosexual activity as sin, just as it does lying, theft, adultery, etc. 
2. The culture's arguments for genetic causation and progressivistic justification are lacking. 
3. The Bible offers hope for freedom from sin through the person of Jesus Christ. 

In this post, I'd like to discuss how this information should affect Christians, and also, I would like to offer a word to homosexuals who read my blog...

       What started this blog topic was a link to a facebook page where a self-proclaimed "Christian" indicated (publicly, mind you) that he wished all homosexuals would catch AIDS and die. I don't think that's the way Jesus would've handled it...

Jesus: Maybe you don't realize this - Jesus was harsh toward Pharisees and Sadducees. NOT sinners! He scolded, debated with, drove out, and embarrassed the religious elite who claimed unique authority on scripture and spiritual things, but lived in a constant state of hypocrisy (see Mat. 23:1-7). These people were more concerned with their own positional security and pious elitism than with representing God and being an example and a channel of His blessings, love, and truth to the people around them.
       The only other group of people (that I can think of) with whom Jesus got a little upset were the disciples. In Matthew 26:40-46, Jesus seems a little agitated with the fact that they couldn't stay awake to pray for Him. Another instance of Jesus' frustration with His disciples is in Matthew 16, when they didn't quite understand Jesus' allusion concerning the yeast of the Pharisees. He calls them, "ye of little faith!" (v.8).
       But we don't see examples of Jesus being harsh, angry, or agitated with the lost. In fact, we see the opposite. In John 8, we read the story of a convicted adulteress - a reprehensible sin/crime - whose sentence is stoning. But Jesus says, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." Then, he speaks to her, "I don't condemn you... Go and sin no more." He told her what she was doing was a sin - but He offered forgiveness.
       Luke 7 tells a short story of a woman who "was a sinner" that brought fragrant oil and poured it out on Jesus' feet, then continued to wipe his feet with her tears and wash them off with her long hair as he was reclining at the table with a Pharisee. The Pharisees were upset that Jesus would let someone so disgusting, so stained by sin even come close to Him - But we read His words to Simon in vs. 44-46, "you gave me no water, but she washed my feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. You gave me no kiss, but she hasn't stopped kissing my feet. You didn't anoint my head with oil, but she has anointed my feet with fragrant oil."
       Jesus met sinners, even the ones who were social refuse, at their place of need. He offered them forgiveness. He addressed their sin as such, but displayed unconditional love, hospitality, kindness, and heartfelt compassion at the same time.

The New Testament letters also tell us a great deal about how to treat sin (including homosexuality), as well as how we should feel about it.

The New Testament Letters: In Part 1 of this subject, I stated that we would revisit 1 Corinthians 6:9. Paul lumps homosexual offenders together with idolaters, adulterers, thieves, drunkards, greedy people, etc. and the judgement is that "they" will not inherit the kingdom of God. Let me take a brief pause here to say that the greatest damage that is being done by these individuals is not to our society, is not to our family, and is not to our legal system. It is to their eternity. Our first, most heartfelt response to any kind of sin should be that those without Christ will spend eternity separated from God in a real place called Hell. Secondly, let me point out that there is a dichotomy represented here. Two "kinds" of people... (1) those labeled as "thieves, homosexual offenders, liars," etc., and (2) those who are "justified in the name of Jesus" (v. 11). Just as it is impossible for someone who is a practicing, non-repentant homosexual to be part of Gods family, so it is for a practicing, non-repentant adulterer, greedy person, or swindler. Homosexuality is not "the sin" that disqualifies one from being saved. It is the sin of rejecting Jesus Christ that leaves individuals unregenerate, unjustified, and bound for Hell. If one accepts Christ, he or she becomes a completely new creation (2 Cor. 5:17). He or she is no longer defined by sin, and likewise, will not seek to unrepentantly participate in it. Instead, he or she is defined by position in Christ, and will now seek to participate in His righteousness and holiness.

       There are plenty of NT passages that deal with this subject specifically. Let's move on to something a little deeper. Read this from Paul:

"I wrote to you in a letter not to associate with sexually immoral people - by no means referring to this world's immoral people... otherwise,you would have to leave the world... But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother who is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater... drunker... swindler. Don't even eat with such a person." 
(I Cor. 5:9-11)

I hope you're reading this with an obedient heart. Would you be okay with going to a homosexual's house, reclining at his table, and letting a convicted thief wash your feet? Jesus would. Why? How are we going to communicate biblical truth in a loving way if we disassociate ourselves from the lost? Keep in mind that we are to speak the truth - that homosexuality is sin - but we are also to speak it in love, and finish the story... Yes, homosexuality is sin. But through Jesus Christ, that sin and all others can be cast as far as the East is from the West, and a new standing of righteousness and justification can be applied to the sinner. 
       Christian, God has called you to be a beacon of truth and love to the world around you. When you start to swell with religious elitism, you'd better put yourself in check and realize that you too were once a sinner in desperate need of someone who would love you enough to meet you at your need and speak words of life, hope, and truth. 
       And then, you hate the fact that sin is separating this individual from God. You hate the fact that if he doesn't place his life in Christ Jesus, he will spend eternity in Hell. You hate the repercussions - physical, social, emotional, relational, and spiritual - that come from a world/life scarred by sin. But you LOVE the person committing the sin. You go out of your way to be kind, compassionate, and useful to him. Get your eyes off of your pride, and onto your calling.

       The Bible declares homosexuality sin - as it does adultery, lying, theft, murder, etc. The Bible is the standard of truth for Christians... therefore, it is inconsistent and hypocritical for a Christian to support or agree with homosexuality. 
       However, I would like for you to know that God loves you with an everlasting love. He created you specially and wonderfully for His glory. You are significant to Him. So significant in fact, that He gave His own life to satisfy the penalty for sin - yours and mine alike. I was a liar. I was a thief. I was an adulterer at heart. But now I'm a new creation. I still struggle with those desires sometimes, but I have a God who is faithful to walk along side me as a Counselor, and who is also able and willing to forgive me of my sin and cleanse me from all unrighteousness if I'll only confess it, and agree with Him that it is indeed sin (1 John 1:9). 
       I don't hate you. And no true Christian would. In fact, I'm not "wierded out" by you or angry with you either. I love you. Really, I do. And if the Bible is reliable and accurate, then the perfect plan that God has for your life will never be actualized until you rid yourself of what He declares to be sin, and place your life in Him. He offers you eternal life, and an abundant, purposeful life here. Becoming a Christian doesn't magically take away our sinful desires, but God does promise the gift of the Holy Spirit who will dwell within you and provide you with truth, comfort, and conviction to help you along your journey. 

It boils down to this: Either the Bible is reliable and homosexuality (along with a long list of other things) is sinful... or the Bible is not reliable, and there is some other standard by which to measure morality and truth. What is your take on all of this? If you're a Christian, has your perspective on any of this changed? If you are not a Christian, do you have a better idea why Christians see homosexuality as a sin?

COMMENTING: I've opened this post up to comments. I pray we can all be loving and honest in our conversations and interactions here. 

Grace and Peace,

1 comment:

  1. It is important that we realize God hates the sin, because it separates us from Him, but he LOVES the person!!!!!
    Sometimes we forget to separate the sin from the person.
    And when we as Christians do not show God's compassion, it is just as much of a sin.


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