Sunday, July 18, 2010

Isaiah 66:2 (Personal Entry)

Isaiah 66:2

A personal entry -

I cannot believe the overwhelming desire I have right now to be in the center of God's will for my life. I don't know what it is lately, but I have just been taken over by a sense of passionate obedience to God's Word and His direction for me and my family. I long for conformity to His character. I desire to be lost in His presence. I want to know Him more fully.

I feel like, for such a long time I've been learning, searching, serving, and giving... and all the while, yes, it has been "worth it." But lately, I have realized a greater sense of God's perfect plan for my life and I cannot wait to see what He's going to do in me, through me, and around me tomorrow - and then the next day - and then the next.

Lately, I've felt more surrendered to His will. It's like sitting on the porch of a cabin in the mountains and experiencing the serenity that His creation facilitates... but at the same time, I'm just so anxious to climb the mountain in front of me and take it for His name and for His glory. And then realizing that when I get to the top, I'll see an entire range of mountains just ripe for the claiming. They are my mountains. No one can take them but me. God made them for me. And He has gone ahead of me to prepare the way. He knows the steps I'll miss - He knows the limbs I'll trip on - He knows the Rock I'll rest on. And He's committed to my spiritual success on this life journey.

I've been spending a LOT of time in His Word lately. It is overwhelming - the depth of His glorious truth, that is. I don't think I'll ever fully understand all of the truth that His eternal Word has to offer - but I want to try. I need it - I long for it.

Isaiah 66:2 -
"I (God) will look favorably on this kind of person: 
one who is humble, submissive/broken in spirit, and who trembles at My word.

I'm almost at the end of my MAR degree from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. It's not even the "big" seminary degree (M.Div. - that I plan on working toward after I finish this one)... but reflecting on the amount of time I've spent in the Word and in prayer with my Lord over the past few years, it makes me hungry for more. I feel like I've come so far, but there's still a long, yet promising road ahead. Every time I open the Bible, I learn something else. And when I learn about the character of God and about His commitment to my future in Him, I tremble. He is the God of the universe. He is THE God - there is no other. And yet He knows me personally... and He calls me by name... and He gives me the purpose, security, and significance that I so desperately need.

I hope it's okay for me to get vulnerable with you, blog. You don't seem to mind what I write. I just had to get this out there.

Psalm 119:25-32 -
"My life is down in the dust; give me life through Your word. I told You about my life, and You listened to me; teach me Your statutes. Help me understand the meanings of Your precepts so that I can meditate on Your wonders. I am weary from grief; strengthen me through Your word. Keep me from the way of deceit, and graciously give me Your instruction. I have chosen the way of truth; I have set Your ordinances before me. I cling to Your decrees; Lord, do not put me to shame. I pursue the way of Your commands, for You enlarge my heart."

- May I forever surrender to Your will.
- May I never cease to glory in Your truth.
- May I be lost in Your presence always.  
You, God, are my hope.  I will trust in You.

- Give me wisdom, oh Lord.
- Grant me understanding in Your Word.
- Glorify Yourself through me.  
You, God are my hope.  I will trust in You.

- Unashamedly I will claim You.
- Undividedly I will teach Your truth.
- Unceasingly I will follow You.  
You, God are my hope.  I will trust in You.

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